
dear southwest, I've never flown you before. & I'm really excited. don't let me down. love, ruth ann      Untitled

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& that is Arizona really quickly from my phone. a few highlights…

hiked a little around the rim of the grand canyon. got some solar viewers & climbed down into the canyon a bit to watch the annular eclipse. I had never used solar viewers before– they were so cool, kinda like crazy intense sunglasses. then watched the sunset… got to see two Arizona sunsets this weekend &, well, they’re really pretty. but living on a coast sure has spoiled me in that regard.

Nathan found us a perfect spot in between the grand canyon & havasu falls & we camped there a couple of nights. yesterday we hiked havasu falls. we had to take route 66 for a bit to get there, which was kinda fun. the waterfalls were lovely. I had read some conflicting stuff on the internet about day hiking it… it’s over ten miles one way & most people stay the night. we decided to try to hike there & back anyway. not the wisest choice ever (midday Arizona sun is killer), but it came out alright in the end. & on the way  out we spotted that lovely “NO DAY HIKING” sign. whoops.

& as always, the best part of travelling (or of anything, really) is the people. made friends on both plane rides over… lady from 2nd plane invited us to dinner. we watched the eclipse with a random guy who worked for park services. met so many friendly hikers. people in stores & hotel lobbies & german girls at the campground & nice gas station cashiers. people are awesome, ya’ll.

…speaking of wonderful people, I get to see 13 of my favorite people (my family + this family) in california tomorrow. excited… be back next week!

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