big decision

I just wanna swallow summer whole.

every year I go back & forth. when it’s summer time (or almost summer time), I start thinking about everything I love about summer. how excited I am for warmth & swimming & sun. etc. I am positive that I love summer best. but then… then, as it’s fall time & it’s getting closer to cold weather & scarves & jackets & bonfire smell, I start remembering all the nice things about cold weather & become convinced that winter is the superior season. but today? today I went to the pool & ate a Popsicle on the front steps & reveled in sunshine & that good sunscreen smell. & as I sat there, I realized that summer? well, it is my absolute favorite. this is the real deal. no take backs.

:: home has been full of so so many good things.

:: I’m realizing daily how much I allow my head to be clouded with pointless fretting and anxiety. I want to live like I really do believe that God works everything for my good & for his glory. that’s hard.

:: Avengers did not disappoint.

:: took a mini trip to Jackson last weekend for the wedding of the year… Bryant & Laura are finally married! crammed lots of quality things into one weekend… time with roommates, pizza with Parker, & sweet time at the Journey.

:: this book is fantastic. so so helpful. the amount of things I need to be learning boggles my mind.

on Saturday brother & I are headed to the Grand Canyon… planning to watch an eclipse, ride some bikes & hopefully play in these. then we’re meeting the rest of the family in California for all kinds of adventures. it’s going to be a fun way to spend these last few drops of sunshine & free time that I have left. I’m excited. after all… summer is my favorite.

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  1. Pingback: 13 things I liked in 2013 | gathering moss

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